2020 Season

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Cameron Rodger

FSR President
Forum Administrator
ISR Club President
ISR Administration
Legal Department
PRO Championship
Aug 18, 2015
Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a great Christmas and are enjoying the winter break from FSR. The 2019 season was an interesting one, my first as President. It taught me and the administration a lot about the league and gave us some ideas of what we need to change to make the best possible league we can!

After a vote within the club, It has been confirmed that I will be continuing as the President of the club. Once again I will have 2 Vice-Presidents in @Felix van Delft and @Thomas Lenz . We worked great in 2019 and have some great things to show you for the future of the league.

The first thing we will reveal is the 2020 Winter Series!
This is our annual free-to-enter league to start the year off, anyone can enter with the Prize being a free license to the 2020 Season.

We will use the new FT-60 Toyota Racing Series by Studio 397 and use the real life schedule as a base for our series.
This means, 5 races on the newly released New Zealand tracks, running parallel to the real life races as well.

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All Other Details can be found in the Season Information Thread.

Coming up soon will be the details of the 2020 season and the announcements surrounding that.

Lets make 2020 great! :cool:
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