Recent content by Jean-Pierre Helpap

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  1. Jean-Pierre Helpap

    DX11 & SimRacingTools Update 4.04

    Can´t DL the files; SRT is crashing then...
  2. Jean-Pierre Helpap

    PreSeason Announcements

    Two questions. How can i see that i payed the licence fee? You said: The next update will be later this month. Am i'm right that they will do changes to the mod during the season? So the 1.00 is not the final one?
  3. Jean-Pierre Helpap

    2017 Round 1 Postponed

    Tbh, that is not what i expected from the FSR at the time of my registration. A vote for the decision of the postponing would be better in my opinion... Just a question. Is there now a final deadline for the modification?