Recent content by Andreas Wauters

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  1. Andreas Wauters

    Edge Esports is looking for Drivers [WC, ACE, PRO]

    Hi, Edge Esports is looking for Primary Drivers to complete in WC, ACE and PRO. WC: 1 Driver ACE: 1 Driver PRO: 2 Drivers If you are interested to get involved in a Dynamic team with a known track record and highly qualified teammates, send me a PM. Kind Regards, Andreas
  2. Andreas Wauters

    Edge Esports is looking for Drivers [WC, ACE, PRO]

    Hi, Edge Esports is looking for Primary Drivers to complete in WC, ACE and PRO. WC: 1 Driver ACE: 1 Driver PRO: 2 Drivers If you are interested to get involved in a Dynamic team with a known track record and highly qualified teammates, send me a PM. Kind Regards, Andreas
  3. Andreas Wauters

    FSR 2018: Registration Opens

    can you specify an exact date and time for the skin? 2-3 weeks is a bit broad for very busy skin artists.