Recent content by Alvaro Torres

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  1. Alvaro Torres

    Calling All Drivers, are you spreading the word?

    I totally agree, also can't demand anything because im not the most active member by far but i think our social networks should take more initiative, mentioning accounts, being less formal and upload more multimedia content. Im not talking about long highlights or hard work stuff, just some...
  2. Alvaro Torres

    ACE / AMA Reschedule for July 16 or 17

    I can race on Sunday, no problem
  3. Alvaro Torres

    NetRex GP 2016 Unveil

    Couldn't read yet because I can't stop hotlaping 24/7, it's like a huge force bigger than mine...
  4. Alvaro Torres


    Amazing work Kris and rest of guys who have collaborated, a huge step for our community